SMRG is a fun, dynamic water quality initiative. Let’s make a difference, garden by garden, drop by drop.
Every rain garden is a step towards better water quality, restoring the function and balance of nature. So what is a rain garden? A rain garden is a shallow, landscaped depression that temporarily holds and filters rainwater rather than sending it directly into traditional storm water culverts and nearby streams. When landscaped with native plants it also helps restore the ecosystem. It’s landscaping – with a purpose.
Getting started is easy. It all begins with a plan. From laying out the garden to choosing the plants, we’ve got all the tips and tools to make sure your rain garden is a success.
Tours, workshops, plant swaps, sales and more. Find out what’s going on right here or contact us to share an event.
You’re not in this alone. From landscapers to nurseries, we have the tools to help make your rain garden a reality.
Our unique platform integrates education, outreach, and commerce with a creative mix of fun, inspiration and support. So no matter who you are-- homeowner, student or CEO, landscaper or land use planner-- you are part of the solution to watershed restoration and we have a place for you on our team.
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