Got a shovel? You’re on your way.

Getting started is easy. It all begins with a plan. From laying out the garden to choosing the plants, we’ve got all the tips and tools to make sure your rain garden is a success.

Tips and Tools Sections

Size Estimator

Almost any size rain garden will help but the general rule of thumb is 25% of the drainage area and 8 inches deep. For a more precise estimate, use our handy calculator.

Plant Selector

Use the sort feature to choose the right plant for the right location. Water-tolerant plants are best for the central part (basin) of the garden and drought-tolerant do better on the edges. When you find plants you like, add them to your favorites list.


Like butterflies? We’ve got a template that will draw them to your yard. That’s just one option. Whether its butterflies, full sun, shade or even a color, we’re continually adding new templates for you to choose from.

Garden Guide

Follow these four easy steps – Plan| Design | Build | Maintain –to bring your rain garden to life and life to the garden. All it takes is a little creativity and some fun work.